Mayor of sefton honours community heroes at sefton 4 good event

The Mayor of Sefton, along with Sefton 4 Good, acknowledged 26 Sefton residents, institutions and groups for their significant positive contributions to the Sefton community and beyond. The first Citizens 4 Good event of the year was held on 7th March at Bootle Town Hall.

Mayor of Sefton, Councillor June Burns, presented certificates and expressed gratitude to the individuals being honoured for their impactful efforts in Sefton borough. The Citizens 4 Good Awards, a collaborative effort between the Mayor of Sefton’s Office and Sefton CVS, aims to showcase the altruistic actions of local residents.

This year, to celebrate the Borough of Sefton turning 50, Sefton 4 Good wish to recognise 50 people at the Citizens 4 Good Awards throughout the year.

“Those who have received an award this time embody the spirit of community, their actions uplift and strengthen the fabric of our neighbourhoods. Without them, Sefton would not be the same”.

Said event organiser, Lauren Jones.

The Citizens 4 Good Recipients List

Sarah Rimmer – for her dedication to volunteering with the Scouts, Her nominator Catharine Ashcroft said “The leadership team tells me a different reason every week of how amazing Sarah is.”

Denise Lloyd – fordemonstrating unparalleled dedication while caring for nominator’s Debbie Fitzpatrick’s mother in law who is living with dementia and currently resides at the care home Denise works in. 

Our Lady Star Of The Sea Catholic Primary School – for how they have gone above and beyond for a pupil with a stoma condition.

Michelle Rossiter – for her compassionate spirit and establishing Home from Home-Sefton which focuses on person-centred care.

Paul, Joseph & Harry Richard – for helping the Maghull community

Jacqui Waterhouse and Dawn D’Auvin -for being a driving force of Crosby Wombles

David Pedon – for being a caring and thoughtful neighbour

Ann West – for making a difference in the lives of those she cares for in her role at Parkhaven.

Ken Rouse – for the community work he does with Derby Park and the community of Bootle

Barbara Rouse – for the community work she does with Derby Park and the community of Bootle

Formby UKE3A – for raising thousands of pounds for local causes

Rimrose Runners –  for supporting over 530 members in achieving their fitness and mental health goals as well as helping to campaign to save Rimrose Valley Country Park

Sefton Baby Baskets – the 11 nanas from Sefton Baby Baskets each received a certificate for their volunteering. Here are their names.

Marie Brennan

Eddie Heron

Irene McClure

Sue Hall

Shirley Howes

Jean Fletcher

Collette McElroy

Barbara Finnis

Pam Williams

Pat Bostcok

Gill Ruane

The next Citizens 4 Good event will take place in the summer. If you would like to nominate someone who has made a difference in your community or beyond, click here.